Thursday, October 17, 2013

Another Close Call

A deal is done……temporarily. But other than this latest temporary deal, what has changed in the last 24 hours that would suggest this isn’t going to replay itself over and over again?  Maybe it’s time for a shakeup over in the Looney bin, which is sometimes referred to as the House of Representatives, although that title is being used less and less by ordinary Americans. The members of the tea party have acted like spoiled little brats as they held our government hostage during their latest tantrum.  At last Speaker Boehner brought some of the adults together and they were able to narrowly avert what would almost certainly have been calamitous for economies worldwide.  Now I think it’s time that the children were punished. When one of my sons throws himself on the floor and holds his breath, he doesn’t get his way.  I let him know in no uncertain terms that behavior like that will never be rewarded and will always bring negative consequences. It’s time for the Speaker to break out the paddle or the switch and paint some back porches red.  Why not strip some of the more vocal dissenters of reason of their coveted committee chair positions.  Let them know who is in charge of your caucus and maybe we can prevent more of these homemade political fiascos.  I have been a republican for over 20 years and lately I can’t figure out why.  It seems that every election cycle my party gets farther away from anything I believed it represented.  The Republican Party doesn’t need rebranding, it doesn’t need to broaden its tent, but it does need to stop catering to the extreme fringe.  It’s terrible for the party but more importantly it’s terrible for the country. 

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