Monday, September 9, 2013


                I am not a professor, I have not been in congress, I do not have an Ivy league education, my family is not well connected, and most of all I am not rich. I am simply a husband and father, and have been a Union Ironworker for nearly 2 decades. So what qualifies me to write a blog about politics? It’s simple..I vote! I vote and I pay attention. I watch all the political talk shows, I listen to the pundits and I read political commentary.  Every day I tune in and ask myself the same question. How can all these self proclaimed experts not have a clue?  This blog is going to attempt to educate them, and maybe pop the bubble where they currently reside, which they have convinced themselves is representative of the rest of the country. I know this has been tried presently and in the past, but the problem is, it is usually done by other residents of the bubble, touting their concern for the middle class and having only a very vague memory of the middle class the rest of us are hoping isn't beyond preservation.   I want to let them know they have it all wrong!  I will also attempt to highlight various issues outside the realm of politics that have many of us scratching our heads.  Let’s get talking and see if we can educate the experts. Nothing is off limits so check your political correct credentials at the door and feel free to join the conversation.

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