Monday, September 16, 2013


                It was my intention to dive right into the domestic policies that have created the largest financial gap between the haves and the have-nots since the times of nobility and of peasants, but I feel compelled to discuss the conflict in Syria. We have heard from all the pundits and politicians, the military analysts, and lobbyists.  We sit day after day and watch as each side, the hawks and doves, parade their advocates across the stage of any and every political talk show, desperately trying to convince us that the world is in peril, our very way of life is in jeopardy, and the only way to stop it, is by “stabilizing” Syria.  Now I don’t want to sound distrusting of our elected officials, but this reminds me of baseball, and one of its most famously quoted stars, Yogi  Berra . “It’s déjà  vous all over again”. Americans are known for short memories, but I think we can all remember when Colin Powell, one of this country’s most respected military minds, took to the talk show tour and convinced us that if we didn’t send our young men and women to Iraq, we risked massive proliferation of WMD and a possible nuclear attack. It was easy to believe Mr. Powell, after all he was a bona fide war hero. He had seen the evils of war and understood the toll it would take on the lives of so many American families, and still he insisted it was the right thing to do. I can’t be the only American who remembers ,then private citizen Kerry, throwing his war medals over a fence in protest. What was he protesting? He was protesting the involvement of American military might in a sovereign nation’s civil war. Now as Secretary of State Kerry, he sounds  like a used car salesman desperately  trying to make one last sale before the yearly contest ends. He is selling us the same old clunker, the” Iraq sedan”. Only he painted it a different color and renamed it the” Syrian economy car”. Just a few dollars worth of gas and the trip will be over. We still haven’t paid for the first car! In addition to Kerry’s sales pitch we also have Senator McCain doing his best to convince the American public that it is our responsibility to arm the Free Syrian army. All in the name of humanitarianism and morality. How would he feel if the Russian navy sent an air craft carrier group to the Gulf of Mexico and threatened to launch a few missiles into Mexico, because the death toll of civilians offended their sense of morality.  We need to stop worrying about the refugees across the globe and pay some attention to the flood of Mexican refugees crossing our border .  I have taken my own unofficial public opinion poll and I can’t find one single person who wants to get involved in this conflict.  It’s time for the United States to focus on our own domestic troubles and to put it in blue collar terms, it is time to mind our own business. It  took around 600,000 deaths in our civil war before the United States were able to be” United” and during that horrible struggle one of the biggest concerns for the leaders of both sides was the fear that other countries would pick sides and tip the balance one way or the other. Let’s learn from our history and keep out of this mess. It wasn’t too long ago that we armed and trained a local militia, the mujahidin, to help defeat the Russian Superpower, only to have those same freedom fighters turn those weapons and tactics in the direction of U.S.  Servicemen and women .  It is truly mind blowing that we are even considering falling into the same trap.  Let’s care for our heroes and tend to our crumbling finances before we spend billions on a problem that has little or nothing to do with the U.S.   It’s the same old song and dance my friends!

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