Thursday, September 26, 2013


This recent attempt at a “Mr. Smith goes to Washington” moment, perpetrated by Sen. Cruz is beyond insulting to those of us who work for a living.  Why does it seem like every member of congress uses their time in congress as a perpetual interview for their next position? It is the only career where you can do no work, accomplish nothing and still collect a paycheck.  I’d like to put this into my perspective for some of you in Washington who just don’t get it.  Let’s say I go to my next job constructing a new building, where my fellow ironworkers and I I feel the architect has made some bad decisions, so we bring it to the attention of another group of architects who subsequently take a vote and determine that the original plan was acceptable and we should continue with the project.  It still seems wrong to me so I bring it to the attention of as many architects and my peers as I can muster and again the consensus is to move forward.  As the deadline to finish the construction looms, I decide that I am going to start welding some beams that I KNOW will have no chance of ever becoming part of this building. After numerous pleas from my co-workers to stop wasting time and money, to start working on the actual project, I continue welding for 21 hours.  How do you think the contractor who hired me, my boss, is going to feel when they have to pay for work that I claimed I did, despite the fact that I and everyone else knew my renegade welding was just a waste of time?  It would seem obvious that my sole motivation was to show off my welding skills? Will it be any consolation to my employer to know I wasn’t really wasting time; I was merely auditioning for my next job on his dime.  Do you think I would still be employed by that contractor, now or in the future?   In the case of Sen. Cruz and his runaway welding, we Americans are the contractor, and I can’t see how any of us can possibly feel we are getting our nickel’s worth.  You are being paid to do a job Senator and you are not doing it. How is it you feel you have the right to rail against Washington waste and so freely waste time?  You rant against the dysfunction of Washington as you do all that you can to keep it that way. Stop campaigning for your next job and start doing this one.  Remember Senator; you work for us!

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