A deal is done……temporarily. But
other than this latest temporary deal, what has changed in the last 24 hours
that would suggest this isn’t going to replay itself over and over again? Maybe it’s time for a shakeup over in the Looney
bin, which is sometimes referred to as the House of Representatives, although
that title is being used less and less by ordinary Americans. The members of
the tea party have acted like spoiled little brats as they held our government
hostage during their latest tantrum. At
last Speaker Boehner brought some of the adults together and they were able to
narrowly avert what would almost certainly have been calamitous for economies
worldwide. Now I think it’s time that
the children were punished. When one of my sons throws himself on the floor and
holds his breath, he doesn’t get his way.
I let him know in no uncertain terms that behavior like that will never
be rewarded and will always bring negative consequences. It’s time for the
Speaker to break out the paddle or the switch and paint some back porches
red. Why not strip some of the more vocal
dissenters of reason of their coveted committee chair positions. Let them know who is in charge of your caucus
and maybe we can prevent more of these homemade political fiascos. I have been a republican for over 20 years
and lately I can’t figure out why. It
seems that every election cycle my party gets farther away from anything I believed
it represented. The Republican Party doesn’t
need rebranding, it doesn’t need to broaden its tent, but it does need to stop catering
to the extreme fringe. It’s terrible for
the party but more importantly it’s terrible for the country.
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Skin in The Game
How many times are we going to sit
and listen to politicians from both party claims their interests lie with “the
good of the American people” before the American people are completely fed
up? Night after night the Democrats fall
back into their comfortable, ergonomically designed chairs at their friendly
cable channel at MSNBC and assign the responsibility to their Republican
counterparts who are sitting comfortably on the set of FOX news doing the exact
same thing. However this particular wound appears to most Americans to have
been created exclusively by the far right Republicans. I find it insulting and disgraceful that
almost to a person they can claim they are trying to work for the American people
when it’s obvious that they are doing no such thing. They sit in a bunker, draped in Kevlar while
firing shots at the American economy. If it can help them avoid a primary and
secure their own political ambitions, why not?
They have no skin in the game!
There is actually an amendment to the constitution that provides pay and
benefits for members of congress in the event of a government shutdown. Can you believe that? They cause a shutdown due to their own
selfish political goals and they still get paid. What do you think the consequences would be
if their productivity was this low in the private sector? My guess is that they would be searching the
help wanted ads, hoping to find something with a job description that offers
great pay, great benefits and expects nothing to be accomplished. Fortunately
for them it works differently in Washington D.C., they all know that regardless
of how ineffective they may be as members of congress, regardless of the damage
they have caused countless American families, when they leave office they will
be firmly on the path of financial security.
Speaking fees will be pouring in and lobbying firms will be knocking on
the door. I am sure there are measures
we could enact to prevent this type of self serving, childish behavior; term
limits, production evaluations, campaign finance reform, responsible lobbying
laws, to name a few, but it would never make it through the congress. It seems that anything that makes even the
slightest bit of sense has little or no chance of being signed into law.
So here are the choices confronting
republican leaders in the house and senate; stand fast on their extreme ideology,
which every economist claims will completely tank the economy or make a deal
and risk the dreaded primary from the far right wing. Career first or Country first? Some of these so called leaders will hide
behind their conveniently gerrymandered districts, but just maybe a few of
them will take their job title seriously and actually lead. We Americans aren’t merely hoping you solve
this self inflicted crisis, we expect it. Earn your money!
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Nothing To Lose
the members of congress attempt to deal with this latest Washington fiasco is
like watching my two little boys explain how the milk got onto the floor. They will adamantly point the finger at one
another until they both wind up getting punished. These are elected members of our government
yet they continue to act like children.
Sadly that isn’t the main problem we need to address. Members of congress have been acting like
spoiled brats since I began following politics, but this group of over indulged
gray haired children have taken it to new levels of selfishness. This isn’t about ideology and it certainly
isn’t about what is best for the country.
Each night we sit in anticipation of some type of compromise, some type
of bargain that would relieve the stress that regular Americans feel every time
the congress decides to throw a tantrum, but instead it becomes more and more
evident that the people who freely roam the halls of our capital touting their
concern for the American people will without conscience, send the economy into
yet another downward spiral if it means they can satisfy their own political needs. They can do this because we the people have
allowed them to create a system where they can profit regardless of how well they
The issue we need to address is
accountability. We need to hold them accountable
when they accomplish nothing or as in this current crisis, when they actually
make matters worse. Suspend their pay when
the government shuts down; suspend their health benefits when they can’t work
out a budget. When members of our armed
forces can’t even get death benefits serving in defense of our nation, how do
we allow the men and women who sent them there to continue to receive theirs? How do we deal with our children when they don’t
do their chores, when they throw themselves on the floor in the supermarket,
when they refuse to get along with their siblings? Maybe we should consider
sending them all to their rooms without dinner, take away their toys and
threaten coal in their Christmas stockings.
Can anyone recommend a child psychiatrist that we can send to the
hill? If that doesn’t work maybe we can tackle
campaign finance reform and gerrymandering!
Thursday, September 26, 2013
This recent attempt at a “Mr. Smith
goes to Washington” moment, perpetrated by Sen. Cruz is beyond insulting to
those of us who work for a living. Why
does it seem like every member of congress uses their time in congress as a
perpetual interview for their next position? It is the only career where you
can do no work, accomplish nothing and still collect a paycheck. I’d like to put this into my perspective for
some of you in Washington who just don’t get it. Let’s say I go to my next job constructing a
new building, where my fellow ironworkers and I I feel the architect has made
some bad decisions, so we bring it to the attention of another group of
architects who subsequently take a vote and determine that the original plan
was acceptable and we should continue with the project. It still seems wrong to me so I bring it to
the attention of as many architects and my peers as I can muster and again the
consensus is to move forward. As the
deadline to finish the construction looms, I decide that I am going to start
welding some beams that I KNOW will have no chance of ever becoming part of
this building. After numerous pleas from my co-workers to stop wasting time and
money, to start working on the actual project, I continue welding for 21
hours. How do you think the contractor
who hired me, my boss, is going to feel when they have to pay for work that I claimed
I did, despite the fact that I and everyone else knew my renegade welding was
just a waste of time? It would seem
obvious that my sole motivation was to show off my welding skills? Will it be
any consolation to my employer to know I wasn’t really wasting time; I was merely
auditioning for my next job on his dime. Do you think I would still be employed by that
contractor, now or in the future? In the case of Sen. Cruz and his runaway
welding, we Americans are the contractor, and I can’t see how any of us can
possibly feel we are getting our nickel’s worth. You are being paid to do a job Senator and
you are not doing it. How is it you feel you have the right to rail against Washington
waste and so freely waste time? You rant
against the dysfunction of Washington as you do all that you can to keep it
that way. Stop campaigning for your next job and start doing this one. Remember Senator; you work for us!
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
The Middle Class Has The Koch Flu
When unions catch a cold the middle
class catches the flu, and right now the middle class is on life support. Unions have been in the cross hairs of the
Republican Party for over three decades but lately they have made serious
ground, convincing hard working Americans who would benefit the most from union
membership, that unions are the reason the economy, is struggling. The
carefully crafted, but patently false, P.R. campaign would have you believe it’s
the pensions and health care costs that are dragging us all down. It couldn’t possibly be the enormous
compensation packages that are commonplace amongst CEOs at every level of
business. How about NAFTA? Need to raise
profits? The answer is simple; cut labor
costs. The game plan is always the same. Step one; crush unions, step two; crush
unions. In the event that step one and two fail, step three; outsource the
These strategies have succeeded in accomplishing
one major achievement; an income gap
that is larger than anytime in modern history. That is a fact supported by a
variety of accepted data. As union
membership has gone down the income gap between business owners and the people that
work for them has grown to unsustainable proportions. As middle class Americans we need to ask ourselves
one question; who benefits from the destruction of unions? The first time I ever considered that
question I was around 10 years old. My father
was an Air Traffic Controller during the 80’s.For those of you that don’t remember
how Reagan handled that, let me say it changed my family’s financial path forever,
and not for the better. I was too young
to understand the political ramifications of the battle that had taken place at
the time, but I was old enough to understand the practical ramifications. My father
lost his family health care, my mother got sick, and eventually my father lost
the house that I had grown up in with my 2 brothers and my little sister. Thank you Mr. Reagan, but at least you tore
down that wall.
next time that question would affect my life came in my 20s when I made the
decision to join the International Brotherhood of Ironworkers, leaving the non
union company I was working for at the time.
It didn’t take me long to figure out that I had made the right
choice. Within a year, I was able to
qualify for a mortgage which I found out was fairly common with union
members. During my time as a non union
man, the norm was completely the opposite, in five years with the same company,
the only person who was able to afford a home was; surprise, surprise, the
owner of the company. He had new cars
and lavish vacations while rarely even showing up on the job. The men who worked for him drove clunkers and
rented apartments with little or no forward progress toward anything better.
So the question is; who benefits if unions go away? Why would billionaires like the Koch brothers
spend millions to make sure Scott Walker of Wisconsin, was victorious in his
battle with unions? It’s because they
know that once unions are gone there will be little resistance to their vision
of low wages, long hours and no health care. Strip workers of their right to
bargain collectively! Profits will soar and all will be right with their vision
of the world. Is that your vision of the
world? If it is, support your local
billionaire, if not, support your local union!
Thursday, September 19, 2013
It seems
like every couple of months we sit and watch as one political party or the
other attempts to extort and hold hostage the opposing party, demanding one
thing or another .Always in an attempt to secure future election victories. The
pundits, politicians and experts explain it away as business as usual in D.C... I don’t accept that explanation, and try to
wrap your brilliant minds around this; the vast majority of regular Americans don’t
accept it either. We know what the game
is, we know that regardless of how the self inflicted crisis is resolved,
members of congress will still have health care, they will still receive their
pensions, and their financial security is all but assured. It must be easy to vote against health care
for the poor, benefits for our soldiers and our elderly when it doesn’t directly
affect you. If the tea party keeps
congress from raising the debt ceiling in their latest attempt to defund or
block the Affordable Care Act, which they affectionately refer to as Obamacare,
will they still receive their paychecks, will they still have the best health
care money can buy, will their pensions still be guaranteed? I think we all
know the answer to that question. If those
“entitlements” could be stripped from members of congress as easily as congress
is willing to strip them from the people who need them most, would they so
adamantly adhere to their sacred ideologies? I think we know the answer to that
question as well.
Let us
ordinary Americans imagine for a minute an America where we the people, D.C.
outsiders vote on a minimum wage or “living wage” for
members of congress. Where we get to
vote on their health care package, and whether or not to cut their pensions
based on how well Wall Street is doing. We can assemble panels of mathematicians and
actuaries ,label them with some official sounding alphabet soup titled agency ,all
with their own politically motivated agendas ,in order to determine whether the country can afford to pay them. Then we
could break it to them via press conference that we just don’t have the money
to pay their well deserved salaries. Or better yet, we can base their pay on
their performance. We can tally up a list
of actual accomplishments during each members tenure in congress and tie it
directly to their compensation package. Exactly how many campaign promises have
you fulfilled versus how many you made in order to get the job? How much time
have you spent trying to raise money for your political war chest? We can
deduct that right off the top. Get
nothing done-get no benefits. How tan do
you think Speaker John Boehner would look?
How many days would he spend lazily pursuing his passion for golf if the
threat of a possible government shut down and default actually affected him? The fact is that it won’t affect him or any other
members of congress financially. Allowing
the country to default would undoubtedly damage the economy; even blue collar
brains like mine can understand the ramifications of such a selfish move. All the evidence would seem to support not
playing with our country’s economy as a future campaign slogan, and until the
women and men that make up our congress have their own economies tied to the
economy the rest of us live with, nothing will change. This whole episode reminds me of the movie
Titanic, only in this version; Billy Zane’s character is played by congress,
and he is on the bridge shouting “Faster...Faster”. Billy knows he has a seat
in the life raft, while the rest of us are in steerage hoping someone hears our
pleas. How many times are we going to
watch this scene play out before we all yell “CUT!”?
In an
effort to be clear and of course not wanting to offend the wrong people, I feel
I should do two things. The first is to explain my usage and definition of “regular
or ordinary” Americans, which is very simple; those Americans that are not
involved in the dysfunction in Washington D.C., but are expected to live with
the consequences of that dysfunction. And the second is; to make sure the right
people are offended, which is also simple; everyone who doesn’t fit into the
definition of “ordinary Americans”.
Monday, September 16, 2013
It was
my intention to dive right into the domestic policies that have created the
largest financial gap between the haves and the have-nots since the times of
nobility and of peasants, but I feel compelled to discuss the conflict in
Syria. We have heard from all the pundits and politicians, the military
analysts, and lobbyists. We sit day
after day and watch as each side, the hawks and doves, parade their advocates
across the stage of any and every political talk show, desperately trying to
convince us that the world is in peril, our very way of life is in jeopardy,
and the only way to stop it, is by “stabilizing” Syria. Now I don’t want to sound distrusting of our
elected officials, but this reminds me of baseball, and one of its most
famously quoted stars, Yogi Berra .
“It’s déjà vous all over again”.
Americans are known for short memories, but I think we can all remember when
Colin Powell, one of this country’s most respected military minds, took to the
talk show tour and convinced us that if we didn’t send our young men and women
to Iraq, we risked massive proliferation of WMD and a possible nuclear attack. It
was easy to believe Mr. Powell, after all he was a bona fide war hero. He
had seen the evils of war and understood the toll it would take on the lives of
so many American families, and still he insisted it was the right thing to do.
I can’t be the only American who remembers ,then private citizen Kerry, throwing
his war medals over a fence in protest. What was he protesting? He was
protesting the involvement of American military might in a sovereign nation’s
civil war. Now as Secretary of State Kerry, he sounds like a used car salesman desperately trying to make one last sale before the yearly
contest ends. He is selling us the same old clunker, the” Iraq sedan”. Only he
painted it a different color and renamed it the” Syrian economy car”. Just a
few dollars worth of gas and the trip will be over. We still haven’t paid for
the first car! In addition to Kerry’s sales pitch we also have Senator McCain
doing his best to convince the American public that it is our responsibility to
arm the Free Syrian army. All in the name of humanitarianism and morality. How
would he feel if the Russian navy sent an air craft carrier group to the Gulf
of Mexico and threatened to launch a few missiles into Mexico, because the
death toll of civilians offended their sense of morality. We need to stop worrying about the refugees
across the globe and pay some attention to the flood of Mexican refugees
crossing our border . I have taken my
own unofficial public opinion poll and I can’t find one single person who wants
to get involved in this conflict. It’s
time for the United States to focus on our own domestic troubles and to put it
in blue collar terms, it is time to mind our own business. It took around 600,000 deaths in our civil war
before the United States were able to be” United” and during that horrible
struggle one of the biggest concerns for the leaders of both sides was the fear
that other countries would pick sides and tip the balance one way or the other.
Let’s learn from our history and keep out of this mess. It wasn’t too long ago
that we armed and trained a local militia, the mujahidin, to help defeat the
Russian Superpower, only to have those same freedom fighters turn those weapons
and tactics in the direction of U.S. Servicemen
and women . It is truly mind blowing
that we are even considering falling into the same trap. Let’s care for our heroes and tend to our
crumbling finances before we spend billions on a problem that has little or
nothing to do with the U.S. It’s the
same old song and dance my friends!
Monday, September 9, 2013
I am
not a professor, I have not been in congress, I do not have an Ivy league
education, my family is not well connected, and most of all I am not rich. I am
simply a husband and father, and have been a Union Ironworker for nearly 2
decades. So what qualifies me to write a blog about politics? It’s simple..I
vote! I vote and I pay attention. I watch all the political talk shows, I
listen to the pundits and I read political commentary. Every day I tune in and ask myself the same
question. How can all these self proclaimed experts not have a clue? This blog is going to attempt to educate them,
and maybe pop the bubble where they currently reside, which they have convinced
themselves is representative of the rest of the country. I know this has been
tried presently and in the past, but the problem is, it is usually done by other
residents of the bubble, touting their concern for the middle class and having
only a very vague memory of the middle class the rest of us are hoping isn't beyond
preservation. I want to let them know they have it all
wrong! I will also attempt to highlight various
issues outside the realm of politics that have many of us scratching our heads.
Let’s get talking and see if we can
educate the experts. Nothing is off limits so check your political correct
credentials at the door and feel free to join the conversation.
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